So, there is this farm by my house that has an awesome market of whatever they are picking right then, but it also lets you "pick your own" when it comes to certain things. Currently, (no pun intended!) the red currants are in season. I've had the dried out ones before that are basically the same as raisins, but I've never even seen a fresh one before. Ask me if I took a picture... of course not. Blergh. Anyway, my family went out and picked a box full and brought them home. The lady at the farm told us they make great pies or jam. Especially jam. Because they are pretty sour when you eat them raw.
We tried some raw, and while they were fairly sour, they tasted a lot like pomegranates. While we were paying for our goodies, we picked up a cute little box of pectin and decided jam was the way to go. Since I tried making strawberry jam last year and failed miserably, I was a little afraid. I decided that instead of ruining our whole box of currants straight away, I needed to practice.
I got some strawberries at the store, and followed the directions in the pectin box. It worked! While I was at the store getting the strawberries, I also picked up a bag of bruised apricots for a dollar, and made more jam with them. It worked too! Then it was time for the currants. Since I am such an expert now, I had no trouble. All of my jars sealed properly and are thick and sticky. This morning, I made some biscuits for us to have the jam on. It was the best breakfast I can remember!
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