In a little over a week from now, my baby will have his first birthday... yikes! So, as you would expect, I am baking the cake instead of buying one. Since I didn't really start baking until about a year and a half ago, and I haven't ever made an actual cake, I decided I need to do some testing before the big event. This is test one. I didn't have very high hopes for it, but decided to try it just in case. It is a vegan chocolate and orange cake. Recipe out of 'Bon Appetit', again. I got a subscription for Christmas and am putting it to good use!
I didn't quite know how a n eggless cake would be, or how it could even be done, but surprisingly, there weren't that many unusual ingredients in it. In fact, I pretty much had everything I needed, except for the vegan "butter".
The cake looked really good, all frosted and everything.

After conducting a scientific taste test, K and I decided it wasn't bad. He liked it better than I did, but really, my main complaint has because I am not a big fan of chocolate and orange. Why didn't I leave the orange out seeing as I knew this ahead of time? Don't ask me! Anyway, the cake was kinda crumbly, but moister than we expected. And the frosting was a nice consistency, and kind of hardened up, which we both liked. This cake isn't going to be the birthday winner, but it was a fun test.
You've NEVER baked a cake?? Really?? Not even a box one?? That's nuts.