Friday, January 15, 2010

Breakfast deliciousness

Over the holidays, I was going crazy with treats and snacks and yummy stuff. One thing that I was doing every weekend for a few weeks was making a wonderful treat for breakfast. One week, it was pancakes. I tried to make them more healthful by using whole wheat flour. This may have been negated once I poured a gallon of syrup on top though...

Anyways. Another time I made cinnamon rolls. However, they ended up a slight disaster. They look nice, but after I frosted them and got plates for K and myself, I found they had magic middles. In the process of cooking them longer, it turned the frosting into a weird crunchy mess. We still ate them, of course, but they weren't as good as normal.

The third weekend was a real mess. I decided to make biscuits. In my rush to make them because I was already starving, I may have accidentally used baking soda instead of baking powder. It turns out this isn't a passable mistake. They ended up straight in the trash! That is why there is no picture. I guess I could have taken one of them in the can. Dang, missed opportunity


  1. Why do you call them magic middles? That's such a funny name!

  2. it is when the middle isn't cooked enough, and is still doughy. I don't know where the term came from though.... I thought everybody said that, ha!
