Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thank you, Martha

My mother raised me to hate Martha Stewart's guts, but I just can't do it! I love her. I think she can do no wrong. Recently I subscribed to the Everyday Food magazine, since I buy it at the store so much. This recipe came from there, and even though it is simple, it was incredibly good. It is a buffalo chicken wrap. With julienned carrots and celery, and ranch sauce. Should I have thought of this myself? Totally, but I didn't. And Martha did. that is why she is a bazillionaire and I am not. I had it on a plain old tortilla. I grilled the chicken first, and then tossed the cut up pieces in the hot sauce. It was really easy and did I say delicious?


  1. martha stewart can do no wrong? do i need to point out... this.

  2. but look how perfectly done that mustard is!

  3. I'm having a hard time understanding what's so wrong about a giant hot dog? Hot dogs are delicious.
